
Psychedelics have garnered attention as potential antidepressants in the treatment of mental health conditions. However, the precise mechanisms by which these substances operate remain unclear. A recent University of Helsinki-led study has shed light on the involved biochemical pathways, unveiling how psychedelics like psilocin and LSD bind to receptor tyrosine kinase beta (TrkB) and activate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a vital protein for neural growth and development.

Exploring Neural Plasticity’s Role: LSD

Neural plasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and establish new connections, plays a significant role in the antidepressant effects of psychedelics. Understanding pathways and distinguishing therapeutic from hallucinogenic effects is essential for safe use.

Unveiling Biochemical Interactions:

Previous studies have revealed TrkB’s interaction with various antidepressants, including ketamine and Prozac. The recent study demonstrates an even stronger binding of psychedelics to TrkB, particularly within the protein’s transmembrane region. This binding enhances the interaction between TrkB and BDNF, potentially promoting neuroplasticity and contributing to the antidepressant effects.

Insights from Animal Studies:

To observe the impact of psychedelics on living organisms, researchers administered psilocin and LSD to lab mice. Unlike mice with mutated TrkB, those given psychedelics did not exhibit head twitching, indicating that TrkB and BDNF activation does not involve the hallucinogenic serotonin pathway. These findings support the potential development of antidepressants targeting the TrkB/BDNF pathway, providing safer alternatives for psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Implications and Future Research:

This research provides valuable insights into developing antidepressants that harness the benefits of psychedelics while minimizing unwanted hallucinogenic effects. However, further studies are necessary to validate these findings in humans due to the complexity of the human brain. The journey ahead involves drug development and rigorous clinical trials, potentially paving the way for more accessible and effective psychedelic-assisted therapy in the future.


The recent study illuminating the binding of psychedelics to the TrkB protein and activation of BDNF offers valuable insights into their potential as antidepressants. By unraveling the involved biochemical pathways, researchers move closer to developing more effective treatments for mental health disorders. This discovery opens possibilities for engineering antidepressants targeting the TrkB/BDNF pathway, thereby providing safer and more accessible psychedelic-assisted therapy. Nonetheless, additional research and clinical trials are required to confirm these findings in humans and navigate the complexities of the human brain. Despite the challenges ahead, this study represents a significant stride toward harnessing the therapeutic potential of psychedelics while minimizing their undesirable hallucinogenic effects.

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