In the United States, Mental Health Awareness Month has developed over the past 70 years and now includes the newly growing discipline of nutritional psychiatry. The strong connection between food and mental health is still being uncovered in the research. Dr. Drew Ramsey, a nutritional psychiatrist, lists his top “power players” for promoting mental health via food in honor of this month.

Foods for Mental Health: Kefir

An example of fermented dairy food that benefits brain function is kefir.
Its microbiome-supporting qualities aid in improving cognition and preventing age-related memory loss.
To reap the tangy advantages of kefir, mix it into smoothies or salad dressings.

Foods for Mental Health: Small Fish, Big Brain Benefits

Add more seafood options to your menu by including smaller fish like anchovies and mussels.
These low-mercury choices provide a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are suitable for the brain.
Fish alternatives in tins are inexpensive and good for the environment.

Lentils: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Lentils place highly on the antidepressant food scale and are abundant in dietary fiber and plant-based protein.
Their high folate content lowers the chance of developing dementia and depression.
Enjoy lentils as a solitary side dish, in salads, or in omelets.

Dark Chocolate: A Decadent Delight for Your Brain

Despite worries about cadmium and lead, dark chocolate is good for the brain.
It improves cerebral blood flow, memory, blood sugar control, and cardiovascular health.
For these benefits, consume dark chocolate from reputable sources in moderation.

Berries: Nature’s Brain Boosters

Berries include phytonutrients that promote healthy inflammatory responses, neurotransmission, and neuroplasticity.
In the absence of fresh berries, frozen berries provide the same health advantages.
To benefit from berries’ ability to sharpen the mind, add them to smoothies, porridge, or other dishes.

Cashews: Creamy and Nutritious

-Cashews, which are creamy and delicious, are a wonderful source of iron, a mineral that is crucial for brain development. It can help plant-based eaters get enough iron in their diet by becoming a part of their diet.

Microgreens & Sprouts: Concentrated Nutritional Powerhouses

Sprouts and microgreens are nutrient-dense foods that are also high in minerals and phytonutrients.
To add nutrients and taste to any meal that supports mental health, sprinkle them on top.
Growing your own sprouts and greens provides a deep connection to the ingredients and serves as a reminder that brain cells are constantly dividing.


Your brain health and happiness may benefit if you prioritize and include these seven power foods in your diet. Just keep in mind that eating with loved ones enhances resilience and mental health in addition to the food itself. Let’s nourish our bodies and our relationships to honor Mental Health Awareness Month. Read more: